Presbyterian Women (PW) encourages women of all ages to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
The P.W. meets every 1st Monday in the month at 8pm from October to April. Meetings are usually held in the Church Hall except when we visit Loanends P.C. or go out for our annual dinner. All ladies of all ages will be made most welcome.
The PW Mission Statement is as follows:
Presbyterian Women encourages women to become disciples of Christ. PW aims to highlight the need for love and unity, obedience to God, local and global mission, Christian living and spiritual maturity, service using gifts, time and money.
The motto is “Living for Jesus”.

We operated a reduced programme in 2021/22. Here’s a snapshot of part of it.
Manzone is a Killead Church founded group with activities which appeal to the interests of men of all ages and is open to all of the community regardless of religion or church connection.
The reason Manzone was formed was to invite and encourage men from all walks of life to experience the fellowship within the church through events designed to appeal to male interests. So far I’m happy to say that all of the events which we have already enjoyed have been well supported and received with enthusiasm.
Outings which have recently taken place include challenging walking trips to the North Coast and the Mourne mountains, attending an Ulster rugby match at Ravenhill, and a visit to a private vintage motorcycle collection courtesy of a local enthusiast and friend of the church.
Killead Church welcomes everyone, and we hope Manzone can help to share our friendship and fellowship within our local community and perhaps introduce someone to the Killead family through interesting outings and events. Images of recent events can be found in the gallery.
The Manzone team are William Hyde, Samuel Hyde, Denis Minford, David Martin and Irwin Martin.

Our music ministry involves over 40 members of a wide age range.
Our enthusiastic Church Choir, with around 25 members, leads the praise on most Sunday mornings. Practices are held on Thursday evenings at 8.00pm from September to Easter. There is a lively, friendly atmosphere within the choir as music is prepared for regular Sunday worship and special occasions.
Complementing the choir, we have a Worship Group which leads the more modern praises and introduces new ones on a regular basis. This group comprises a number of singers along with organ, piano, drums, guitars, violins and flute. Practices generally take place on Sunday before morning worship. We aim for a relaxed atmosphere where members have input regarding new material and ways of performing it.
Our Instrumental Group also plays at services from time to time, the highlight being the Christmas Carol Service. This group is made up of the musicians of the Worship Group together with other string, brass and woodwind players, of secondary school age and beyond. If you would like to get involved with any aspect of our Church’s music ministry please use the Contact Us facility and Helen, our Musical Director will get back to you.