Our Midweek meetings have resumed beginning on the 12th September and continuing every Thursday (excepting the last in each month) at 8pm in the Church Hall. We would love you to join us in person but, if that isn’t possible you can join us on Zoom using the following link.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 5512 1876
Passcode: 025508
On the last Thursday of each month we will gather for prayer in Loanends Church Hall at 8pm. Our focus will be “revival”. Please do join us.


Our Midweek meetings have resumed beginning on the 12th September and continuing every Thursday (excepting the last in each month) at 8pm in the Church Hall. We would love you to join us in person but, if that isn’t possible you can join us on Zoom using the following link.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 5512 1876
Passcode: 025508
On the last Thursday of each month we will gather for prayer in Loanends Church Hall at 8pm. Our focus will be “revival”. Please do join us.