This year, we as a church want to continue our journey of growing in our knowledge and love of the Scriptures. We prayerfully hope that you will be able to use the following as a catalyst to prepare yourself to grow in God’s grace this year and that together, we may be like that tree in Jeremiah which is deeply rooted in Christ, so that it produces good fruit in times of plenty as well as in times of need.


Preparing for Corporate Worship

  1. Look up next Sunday’s Bible passage and read it at home
  2. Pray for Sunday’s preacher during the week
  3. Pray for yourself, that by His Spirit, God will grow in you an expectation that God will speak through His Word
  4. Try not to come to the sermon exhausted, but come rested and ready to pay close attention
  5. Quieten your mind and heart before the sermon and say to yourself: “This is when God speaks to me.” Pray again: “Lord, speak to me, I am listening.”


Reading the Passage before Church

  1. Read the passage carefully
  2. Think about the main point of the passage. This may be signalled by repetition of something important, or by the theme that runs through the passage
  3. Is there anything that surprises about the passage?
  4. Think about who the passage was originally written to. Reflect on how our situations may be similar to them
  5. Ask yourself why this passage is included in the Bible. What is it intended to achieve in our hearts?
  6. Pray as Martin Luther used to pray – “Lord, teach me, teach me, teach me.”


Preaching Schedule

21st January    Colossians 5: 13-26

28th January   Colossians 3: 22- 4:1

4th February    Acts:6 1-7

11th February   Ivan Patterson

18th February   Luke 10: 25-37

25th February   Matthew 5: 13-16

3rd March         Neil Harrison

10th March       2 Samuel 12: 1-13




This year, we as a church want to continue our journey of growing in our knowledge and love of the Scriptures. We prayerfully hope that you will be able to use the following as a catalyst to prepare yourself to grow in God’s grace this year and that together, we may be like that tree in Jeremiah which is deeply rooted in Christ, so that it produces good fruit in times of plenty as well as in times of need.


Preparing for Corporate Worship

  1. Look up next Sunday’s Bible passage and read it at home
  2. Pray for Sunday’s preacher during the week
  3. Pray for yourself, that by His Spirit, God will grow in you an expectation that God will speak through His Word
  4. Try not to come to the sermon exhausted, but come rested and ready to pay close attention
  5. Quieten your mind and heart before the sermon and say to yourself: “This is when God speaks to me.” Pray again: “Lord, speak to me, I am listening.”


Reading the Passage before Church

  1. Read the passage carefully
  2. Think about the main point of the passage. This may be signalled by repetition of something important, or by the theme that runs through the passage
  3. Is there anything that surprises about the passage?
  4. Think about who the passage was originally written to. Reflect on how our situations may be similar to them
  5. Ask yourself why this passage is included in the Bible. What is it intended to achieve in our hearts?
  6. Pray as Martin Luther used to pray – “Lord, teach me, teach me, teach me.”


Preaching Schedule

21st January    Colossians 5: 13-26

28th January   Colossians 3: 22- 4:1

4th February    Acts:6 1-7

11th February   Ivan Patterson

18th February   Luke 10: 25-37

25th February   Matthew 5: 13-16

3rd March         Neil Harrison

10th March       2 Samuel 12: 1-13