Currently, our services begin at 12noon and last for approximately 1 hour.

They are also live-streamed on YouTube and a link is available from the Home Page on this website or via Facebook.


A service at Killead Presbyterian would have songs and hymns led by our choir and worship group. 15/20 minutes after the service begins, the children up to P3 are welcomed to the front for their address and song, then they leave to do their own programme in the Choir Room.

The main focus of our church is God’s Word found in the Bible. A important part of the service is reading from the Bible and having it explained to us so that it will impact every aspect of our lives.

Mid-week Bible Study

Our mid-week Bible Study now takes place on Thursdays in the Church Hall at 8pm and also using the Zoom platform. The details, dates and times of the individual studies can be found under the News section together with the link you will need to access Zoom if you are unable to make it in person.


Messy church is an opportunity for families to come together and spend time exploring the bible and building relationships in a relaxed, informal setting

Families move freely around the hall exploring various crafts set around our bible theme followed by a meal together. Messy church is for all ages, not just children and young people (all children must be accompanied by an adult). Families are encouraged to come together and single people are just as welcome. You can follow this link and get a flavour of our Messy Church events in 2021 and 2022.

To find out more about Messy Church visit


Never Stop Praying Always pray by the power of the Spirit Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people
Ephesians 6:18

We meet together for prayer:

– Sunday at 11.30am before the service in the Choir Room
– In our Home Groups from Monday through to Thursday
– The fourth Wednesday of each month in Loanends Minor Hall
– Special times of Prayer for 24 Hours are held occasionally (check the Church Bulletin link for dates.)

Join with us in prayer for all affected by Covid-19.




It’s all about sharing life together and deepening our relationship with Jesus in a relaxed environment.

Some call them House Groups, some call them Life Groups, we happen to call them Home Groups. It’s all about sharing life together and deepening our relationship with Jesus in a relaxed environment. All you have to do is pick a venue and a day that suits your lifestyle.

Statistics show that Home Groups are an important part of every vibrant and growing Church in the UK. Attending a Home Group allows you to strengthen your faith, grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ and share fellowship with others.

A typical meeting will begin with a relaxing chat followed by a short study of a section of the Bible. There is always plenty of time for questions and discussion, it’s important to remember that there are no experts, we learn together and we grow in grace together. We then pray together in whichever way each person is most comfortable with and then finish with light refreshments.

You do not have to commit to a full programme, we all lead very busy lives, just come along when time allows.

We would love to see you at any one of these groups but please check the Church Bulletin link to confirm dates and times.

Please use the Contact Us facility for more information.


Outreach has always been central to the overall vision of our church

This was reinforced recently when developing our Mission Plan. In the Ministry Values section we identified the following characteristics to be encouraged in our members.

  • Everyone making God known

  • Everyone serving and using their gifts in ministry

To this end a wide variety of outreach strategies have been adopted. These include:-

  • Alpha courses organised jointly with Loanends PC and Dundrod PC

  • Christianity Explored course with Loanends PC

  • KLYP events

  • Messy Church Holiday Bible Club and Youthweek with Loanends PC (during the summer)

  • Manzone Mission events

  • Information screen in Church hall

  • Men’s breakfasts organised jointly with Loanends PC

For further information, dates, times and contact details, see the News section or go to Contact Us.


Every individual and family is important in our congregation of Killead.

Life rarely runs smoothly and everyone has special needs. God can lead you through difficult times or crisis through conversation, prayer, spiritual direction and practical assistance offered by our Minister, Elders and Pastoral Team. During the past year the pastoral care team of Killead have been involved in home and hospital visits providing a listing ear and giving spiritual support.

A full Christmas dinner was provided after our carol service and fellowship was enjoyed by all ages at the festive season. You may also contact our pastoral team leader – Mervyn Rea 028 90825385