Fields of Life is committed to sharing the Christian Faith by collaborating with local communities and churches in East Africa to bring about positive change through the provision of quality education, clean water, health promotion and the community based initiatives.

In 1995, Rev Trevor Stevenson initiated an agricultural project which involved buying and setting up a 110 acre farm 16km from Kampala in an area known locally as “The Killing Fields”. He identified the need for a better quality education for the children he sa.w and from then on, Fields of Life began building schools throughout Uganda. Fields of Life is also involved in The Congo, Kenya, !Rwanda & Burundi. The first school was established in 1997 and since then 117 schools, 4 health centres and 308 boreholes (wells) have been built.


In 2007 a group of men from Killead Presbyterian Church attended The Mandate conference at which a representative from Fields of Life spoke about the work of the charity. Following this event, William Hyde and Philip Patterson felt a calling to support this charity. A team was formed in Killead and joined by members of Loanends and Dundrod Presbyterian Churches and other friends, totaling 45 people. After much fundraising, a magnificent sum of over £114,500 was raised for the project of building a school in Uganda. The school chosen was Good Shepherd Primary School, Mawale in the Luweero District, 30 miles from Kampala.


In 2009, the team travelled to the school and on arrival, the welcome received from the teachers and children was overwhelming. A borehole to provide clean water had been constructed prior to the team’s arrival. Over a two· week period, our builders worked alongside African builders constructing two school blocks of eight classrooms and a toilet block. Our teachers taught the children songs, craft, games and led a Holiday Bible Club. The medical team carried out a health check on all the children. A number of sewing machines were purchased and three ladies from our team taught the African ladies the skills of sewing. Since our team’s involvement, the school has continued to thrive with over 700 pupils now enrolled who, as a result of the very high quality teaching being provided, are achieving excellent exam results.

You can view images of this mission trip in the Gallery.


Since 2009 a teachers’ accommodation block has been built. In July 2012 a team of 22 returned to Mawale. They built a kitchen, constructed shelving in the classrooms and carried out general repairs to the school. Once again some team members led a Holiday Bible Club for the pupils of the school. A playground was constructed with funds 1raised by Killead and Loanends Sunday Schools. The team were thrilled that the school was going to be wired for electricity and were delighted that they were able to provide 3 computers and a printer. Images of this visit can be found by clicking here.

Please continue to pray for the pupils and teachers of Good Shepherd Primary School.