“I have concluded that the only worthwhile thing for them is to take pleasure in doing good in life; moreover, every person should eat, drink, and enjoy the benefits of everything that he undertakes, since it is a gift from God.”
Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
We are also excited to once again have YOUTH WEEK for those who are secondary school age!
This will take place in Killead presbyterian church from: Tuesday 8th – Thursday 10th August from 7.30pm each night.
Check out our Facebook page / Website Newsfeed for updates and link for registering.
In the meantime, pass on the word, and share with anyone who may be interested.
“so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Romans 15:6.
ETC allows an opportunity to learn more of God’s grace and salvation in an atmosphere of Christian love and fellowship. Meeting on a Sunday evening, young people of secondary school age get together for encouragement and fellowship with other Christian young people.
A typical night starts with some light hearted activities to get to know others within the fellowship and to set aside the stresses of the week before beginning a session of praise and bible study focussing on relevant issues. ETC also involves weekend breaks to the MAD weekend and also an ETC getaway, both giving an opportunity for some fun and reflection on Christ. ETC away days have taken the form of canoeing and horse riding among others, often with a difference!
ETC is resuming again on Saturday 26th February in Killead Hall from 7.30-9.30pm. Let’s get together again! Rebekah will talk about what SU is doing in local schools and there will be a chip supper at the end of the evening. Just come along or for more information call Andrew on 079509 58156.
For 11 years and upwards.
Each Friday of the month from October to April, 8.00pm to 10.00pm
in the The Youth Centre and Church Hall.
We have a small membership fee and a Tuck Shop is provided in which we aim to make a small profit towards expenses. Supervision is by four adult leaders each evening. We have team games such as football, unihoc, badminton, table tennis, snooker/pool and Wii. The Youth Centre has comfy chairs for informal chatting.
On some occasions we will offer our members the chance to go out for the evening to events such as ten pin bowling, ice skating or laser quest. At the end of the season we take the members go-karting.
For more information, follow us on Facebook using the link at the bottom of this page.
The aim of our Bible Class is to share the Gospel and provide biblical principles and teaching to the young people in our Church and surrounding community.
We enjoy the support of a team of committed Christian leaders who do their best to ensure that our children participate in a wide variety of activities which are all biblical, relevant and fun.
Bible Class is for young people of Secondary School age who enjoy meeting together in a comfortable and friendly environment. There is an opportunity to learn more about what the Bible teaches in a way which is relevant to them and where they are free to discuss and develop their faith in an atmosphere of openness and honesty.
The Bible Class meets every Sunday during term time at 10.45am, with tea and biscuits included and everyone is welcome.