Nothing is more compelling than a real life story, especially one which you can identify with. Read how Jesus has impacted the lives of those who have a relationship with Him.

Hi, my name is Chris Conville. I’m 38 years old and married to my childhood sweetheart Helen and we have two lively children – Andrew and Rebekah… well the youngest is mainly the lively one! I work as a Graphic Designer in Holywood, outside Belfast. I’ve worked in the same job for over 15 years now and it is my first job since graduating from Art College in 1999. We as a family are relatively new to Killead. We have been brought up attending Church of Ireland churches in North Belfast, having been christened and confirmed there.

As I’m a Designer, I was only too happy to answer the church’s call in helping with the weekly newsletter – KPC News. I’m so happy that I am able to produce this for the church community and use the skills that God has given to me. I also help out with Sunday School and Bible Class. I’m really enjoying this aspect of church life and to be able to work with the young members of the church is such a privilege – even when I have to dress up in onesies! In terms of interests, those who know me well will agree that I am a huge Manchester United fan!

Since joining Killead my family and I have felt the love and warmth of the church community here. To actually attend and be part of this family is a wonderful thing. Once we had joined Killead I felt strongly that I was on a path that the Lord had laid for me and I felt a sense of calm and purpose. Having attended church for most of my life I have always felt close to God. However, it was June 2014 when I opened my heart and welcomed the Lord as my friend and Saviour. Another special aspect of this was that I shared the moment with my good friend Stephen McNie.

I love the happy faces in Church, the great friends we have made and the many extra activities that we are involved in. The worship group music is also a big favourite of mine! To look forward to going to church is a gift.

I’d have to say that my favourite song is called ‘The Heart of Worship’ by Matt Redman. I love the lyrics and tune. As for Bible verse, it’s a toughie but would say that Proverbs 3: 5-6 is my favourite.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

My name is Wilbert and I am a farmer. I live near Glenavy and am married to Ethna. I enjoy travelling and going to events associated with my work such as Vintage Tractor Rallies, Agricultural Shows and Fairs. In the church here at Killead, I sing in the choir and I serve on the Kirk Session and Congregational committee.

I came to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord at the close of a Gospel Mission when I was 16 years old. I realised that I was a sinner and not ready for Heaven. I knew from the Bible that only Jesus could forgive sin so I repented and trusted on Him alone for salvation.

In answer to the question, what do you enjoy most about church, I would say that our church is a place where we can all come together to worship and praise God. When we meet for Bible Study and Prayer, we can share our joys and problems just like a family. I would dearly love to see more people taking time out from their busy lives to join us on Wednesday evenings at 8pm.

My favourite verse from the Bible is Romans Ch10, v9. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

I also love this Hymn.
Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it.
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
Redeemed through His infinite mercy;
His child and forever I am.

My name is Jenny Wilson and I am 29 years old. In 2015 I graduated in Youth and Community work and Practical Theology having completed my placement in Killead and Loanends Presbyterian Churches as a Student Youth worker. Following this, I worked full time in Oasis Antrim helping young people who have disengaged from mainstream education. Then, in May 2016 I was appointed to the job of Youth and Family Worker in Killead and Loanends. I now work full-time in Loanends Primary School as a Teaching Assistant.

I have been brought up in a musical household, so I enjoy trying out new instruments. Having said that, playing drums is still my favourite. I love most sports but anywhere there is dancing that’s where I want to be.

My role in the church is varied. I am club leader for Killead youth club, I assist with the under 5s in the GB and I organise KLYP (Killead & Loanends Young People) events. I have been going to Killead Presbyterian Church most of my life but it was only when I was 18 years old that I truly understood what it meant to be a Christian. On Saturday 5th April 2008 I attended an event in the Odyssey called ‘Celebration of Hope’, this was a night of praise and worship and it was the night I handed my life over to God. Andrea and Trevor Boyd were group encouragers at the Celebration of Hope event; from this night they have played a massive role in my life with their friendship and faith.

The thing I like most about church is how we are constantly moving forward in the direction God is taking us and I also love the constant support I receive from my minister and church family.

One of my favourite verses from the Bible is John 15:5  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

I love the words and music to ‘Hosanna’ from Hillsong.

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause
As I walk from earth into eternity.

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