We are now able to worship together in our church building on Sunday mornings. However, with your safety and well being always paramount, our seating is arranged to maintain social distancing and face coverings must be worn inside unless you are exempt for medical reasons.

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has issued the following statement on vaccinations having been made aware that a few groups are actively discouraging the take up of the vaccinations:

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) encourages all of its members actively to consider receiving vaccination against Covid-19 when it is offered to them. While recognising that this is ultimately a matter of personal judgement, PCI neither discourages its members from taking up the vaccine offer nor is it supportive of those who seek to discourage the take-up of the vaccine.

We are now able to worship together in our church building on Sunday mornings. However, with your safety and well being always paramount, our seating is arranged to maintain social distancing and face coverings must be worn inside unless you are exempt for medical reasons.

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has issued the following statement on vaccinations having been made aware that a few groups are actively discouraging the take up of the vaccinations:

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) encourages all of its members actively to consider receiving vaccination against Covid-19 when it is offered to them. While recognising that this is ultimately a matter of personal judgement, PCI neither discourages its members from taking up the vaccine offer nor is it supportive of those who seek to discourage the take-up of the vaccine.